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Money mules

The threat from internet fraudsters is continually evolving. The best way to tackle these threats is to ensure you are always aware of them and how they work.

Money mules

A money mule is a person who transfers stolen or illegal money between different countries by receiving the funds into his/her own account first and then withdraws it or wires it to another account, for a small percentage.

Protect yourself

  • Criminals will often use fake job adverts, or create social media posts about opportunities to make money quickly, in order to lure potential innocent individuals
  • Don’t respond to job adverts or social media posts that promise large amount of money for little amount of work
  • Research a potential employer, usually overseas, before handing over your personal or bank account details
  • Don’t allow anyone you don’t know or you don’t trust to use your bank account to transfer money in and out
  • No legitimate employer or company will ever ask you to use your personal bank account to transfer their money

Fraud and security

Whether you've been the victim of fraud, or you're looking to learn more about avoiding it, we are committed to keeping you and your accounts as safe as possible.

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